In, At, On Video Summary
Video 8. "to be at the station" – English Prepositions
- a train, a locomotive, a train station, a subway station
- an airplane = a plane
- a bus, a double-decker bus, a bus stop
- seasons: spring, summer, fall/autumn, winter
- in fall, in winter
- a taxicab = a taxi, a cab
- a traffic light = a traffic signal, traffic lights, a stop sign, stop signs
- a car race, a running race, a marathon, a 10-K race = a 10-K, a runner, runners
- the starting line, a checkpoint, checkpoints, the finish line
- at the starting line, at checkpoint one, at the finish line
- fans, announcer
- The train is at the station.
- The bus is at the bus stop.
- The woman is at the bus stop.
- The taxis are at the traffic light.
- The taxi is at the stop sign.
- A point has zero dimensions. A point has no dimensions.
- A line has one dimension. A line has length.
- A square has two dimensions. A square has width and height.
- A cube has three dimensions. A cube has length, width, and height.
- The runner's at the starting line.
- The runners are at the checkpoint.
- The runner's at the checkpoint.
- The runner's at the finish line.
- The fans are at the finish line.
- The announcer's at the finish line.
- There are two traffic lights. The taxi cabs are at the traffic light.
- There are two stop signs. The taxi cab is at the stop sign.
No article is used when a train station is named:
- The train is at the station.
- The train is at Grand Central Station.
- The train is at Shinjuku Station.
- The train is at Gare du Nord Station.
The article is optional when a bus stop is named:
- The train is at the bus stop.
- The train is at (the) Jackson Street bus stop.
- The train is at (the) Howe Avenue bus stop.
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8 in the EwE in-at-on series on YouTube.
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